
At TurnRburn we love God and all people. We are an evangelistic ministry that reaches as many people as we can, so that some might be saved.

We hope that you have been positively impacted by the information on our website.

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world (James 1:27)

If you would like to make a donation, please make a donation to one of the Christian orphanages that we know is a legitimate ministry and worthy of your support, per the links below.

Mully Children’s Family USA

Inspire International

Orphan’s Promise

Iris Global

Thank you for visiting our site!

Recommended Ministry Links:

Jesus Ministries

Shekinah Worship Center

Morningstar Ministries

Christian Broadcasting Network

Rabbi Johnathan Cahn – Beth Israel Worship Center

Victory Church

Recommended Books:

  • The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn
  • The Harbinger II by Jonathan Cahn
  • Josiah Manifesto by Jonathan Cahn
  • The Final Quest by Rick Joyner
  • Avoiding Deception by Sharon Daugherty
  • The BAIT of SATAN by John Bevere
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