And they did not understand until the flood(judgement) came and took them all away; so, will the coming
of the Son of Man be. (Matt. 24:39) – It’s time to return to God while there is still time!
For when the earth experiences your (God’s) judgments (Aggressive Love) the inhabitants of the world
learn righteousness (Isa. 26:9) – God loves us too much to let us go to hell over unrepentant sin. It is
better for us to experience the temporary pain of His judgements & repent, than suffer eternal pain in
Hell. There is no forgiveness without repentance beloved (Luke 24:47).
Did you know the north tower was completed in 1970 when NYC approved the most liberal abortion law in the country which Roe V wade referenced? Did you know the 2nd tower was completed in 1973, the same year Roe v Wade was passed? There were roughly 36 million abortions between 1973 & 9/11/2001. God says innocent blood cries out to him (Genesis 4:10) & cries of the blood of 36 million babies he could not ignore.
Did you know God says (Exod. 21:22-23) Abortion is murder. Did you know that not voting pro-life is voting for the murder of babies and brings you under the judgement of God, which means damnation?
Did you know at Mt. Sinai when Israel decided to worship a false God known for child sacrifice(abortion) God allowed about 3000 (Exod. 32:28) to die in judgement? Did you know about 3000 died on September 11, 2001? (Behold therefore the Goodness and Severity of God – Rom 11:22) (God is still judging sin beloved; We all will be judged – Matt. 7:23 & Rom. 14:12)
Buried under tons of World Trade Center steel, workers found one page from the Bible. It was Genesis 11. Get it? Genesis 11 for 9/11. God’s judgment against the Tower of Babel. God is sovereignly saying repent & return to Him while there is still time. NY Post Link
Why did the Palmyra Temple of false god Bel(Baal) known for child sacrifice(abortion) get destroyed by ISIS
in August 2015 after standing for over 2000 years? As an unmistakable sign from God against abortion, that He was sovereignly raising up future President Trump as a type of Jehu to put the brakes on abortion by nominating three supreme court justices instrumental in overturning Roe v Wade. CBS News Link
Did you know in 740 BC God judged Israel the first time with the Assyrians & Israel didn’t Repent & it was 19 years(721 BC) later that God brought the Assyrians back to destroy Israel & it was 19 years after 9/11/2001 that COVID came in 2020 & removed the breath of the older generation responsible for taking the breath of 60 million babies with abortion. COVID didn’t affect the children. It also wasn’t a coincidence that abortion started in China, abortion capital of the world, where 13 million babies are aborted each year. God has been walking the earth, judging abortion with COVID per Habakkuk 3:5, Before Him goes pestilence And plague comes after Him.
Did you know God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Unfortunately we have all made mistakes(sins) which have broken our relationship with God causing an infinite separation in hell forever, with no hope of being able to save ourselves. The Great News is, the Infinite love of Jesus, bridged the infinite separation between us and God, when Jesus gave His perfect life in exchange for our sinful life on His cross.
The Bible says he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned
(Mark 16:16) All who call on the name of Jesus will be saved (Rom 10:13). You must decide to
live for God. This must be a lifelong “life or death” commitment to Jesus and with Jesus’s
help saying no to everything the Bible calls sin. You can do it with God’s help beloved! Say out loud now,
“Jesus please come into my heart and save me from my sins, I renounce Satan & all works of darkness & I believe in my heart that you, Jesus died for my sins on the cross and rose from the dead & I confess you Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord & savior”.
Please help me Jesus find a good church where holiness & miracles are still preached!
Please call one of the prayer lines below and tell them your decision to follow Jesus.
24/7 Prayer: 800-759-0700 or 972-499-4995 or 714-731-1000 or 800-329-0029